Telegram Channel for Wear OS devicesATTENTIONIf you see the message "Your devices are not compatible", go to the Play Store in your browser.BUY 1 GET 1 12h/24h based on your phone settings2. Step counter3. Heart Rate4. Battery Level5. Moon Phases6. Date7. Changeable colors8. Always On Display9. ShortcutsTouch and hold the display to customize your watch face.For full functionality please manually enable sensors and receive complication data permissions!Heart RateAllow access to heart rate after installing the watch face.The shortcut does not open the Heart Rate app, but starts the measurement. Tap the heart icon to start measuring heart rate.Make sure the watch screen is turned on and that you are wearing it correctly on your wrist when measuring your heart rate.NewsletterSign up to stay updated with new watch faces and promotions!